Home » Statistics » Consumer Price Index Numbers on Base 2012=100 for Rural, Urban and Combined for the Month of June 2021

Consumer Price Index Numbers on Base 2012=100 for Rural, Urban and Combined for the Month of June 2021

The National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) is releasing All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) on Base 2012=100 and corresponding Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) for Rural (R), Urban (U) and Combined (C) for the month of June 2021 (Provisional) in this press note. CPIs for Sub-Groups and Groups for both All India and all States/UTs are also being released.

2.   The Price data are collected from representative and selected 1114 urban Markets and 1181 villages covering all States/UTs through personal visits by field staff of Field Operations Division of NSO, MoSPI on a weekly roster. During the month of June 2021, NSO collected prices from 99.6% villages and 98.6% urbanMarkets while the Market-wise prices reported therein were 78.7% for rural and 82.0% for urban.

3.    All India Inflation rates (on point to point basis i.e. current month over same month of last year, i.e.June 2021over June 2020),based on General Indices and CFPIs are given as follows:

All India Inflation rates (%) based on CPI (General) and CFPI

Indices Jun. 2021 (Prov.) May. 2021 (Final)
Rural Urban Combd. Rural Urban Combd.
CPI (General) 6.16 6.37 6.26 6.55 5.91 6.30
CFPI 5.02 5.42 5.15 4.52 5.97 5.01

Notes: Prov.  – Provisional, Combd. – Combined

4.          Monthly changes in the General Indices and CFPIs are given below:

Monthly changes(%) in All India CPI (General) and CFPI:June, 2021 over May, 2021

Indices Rural Urban Combined
Index Value % Change Index Value % Change Index Value % Change
Jun.21 May.21 Jun.21 May.21 Jun.21 May.21
CPI (General) 162.1 161.1 0.62 160.4 159.5 0.56 161.3 160.4 0.56
CFPI 159.1 157.3 1.14 165.4 163.4 1.22 161.3 159.4 1.19

Note: Figures of June 2021 are provisional.

5.  Price data for CPI are received through web portals, maintained by the National Informatics Centre.

Next date of release: 12thAugust 2021 (Thursday) for July 2021.

List of Annex

Annex Title
I All-India General (all-groups), Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for May(Final) and June 2021 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined
II All-India inflation rates for General (all-groups), Group and Sub-group level CPI and CFPI numbers for June 2021 (Provisional) for Rural, Urban and Combined
III General CPI for States for Rural, Urban and Combined for May(Final) and June 2021 (Provisional)
IV Inflation rates of major States, having population more than 50 lakhs as per Population Census 2011, for Rural, Urban and Combined for June 2021 (Provisional)



All India Consumer Price Indices

(Base: 2012=100)

Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined
Weights May. 21 Index
Jun. 21 Index
Weights May. 21 Index
Jun. 21 Index
Weights May. 21 Index
Jun. 21 Index
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
  1.1.01 Cereals and products 12.35 145.1 145.6 6.59 148.8 149.2 9.67 146.3 146.7
  1.1.02 Meat and fish 4.38 198.5 200.1 2.73 204.3 205.6 3.61 200.5 202.0
  1.1.03 Egg 0.49 168.6 179.3 0.36 173.0 182.8 0.43 170.3 180.7
  1.1.04 Milk and products 7.72 155.8 156.1 5.33 156.5 156.4 6.61 156.1 156.2
  1.1.05 Oils and fats 4.21 184.4 190.4 2.81 168.8 172.1 3.56 178.7 183.7
  1.1.06 Fruits 2.88 162.3 158.6 2.90 172.5 171.5 2.89 167.1 164.6
  1.1.07 Vegetables 7.46 138.4 144.7 4.41 166.5 176.2 6.04 147.9 155.4
  1.1.08 Pulses and products 2.95 165.1 165.5 1.73 165.9 166.9 2.38 165.4 166.0
  1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 1.70 114.3 114.6 0.97 115.9 116.1 1.36 114.8 115.1
  1.1.10 Spices 3.11 169.7 170.0 1.79 165.2 165.5 2.50 168.2 168.5
  1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 1.37 164.6 165.5 1.13 152.0 152.2 1.26 159.3 159.9
  1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 5.56 169.8 171.7 5.54 171.1 173.3 5.55 170.4 172.4
1   Food and beverages 54.18 158.7 160.5 36.29 164.2 166.2 45.86 160.7 162.6
2   Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 3.26 189.6 189.1 1.36 198.2 195.3 2.38 191.9 190.8
  3.1.01 Clothing 6.32 165.3 165.4 4.72 156.5 157.5 5.58 161.8 162.3
  3.1.02 Footwear 1.04 160.6 159.9 0.85 140.2 140.6 0.95 152.1 151.9
3   Clothing and footwear 7.36 164.5 164.6 5.57 154.1 154.9 6.53 160.4 160.8
4   Housing 21.67 161.6 160.5 10.07 161.6 160.5
5   Fuel and light 7.94 161.7 162.1 5.58 155.5 156.2 6.84 159.4 159.9
  6.1.01 Household goods and services 3.75 158.8 159.2 3.87 150.1 150.0 3.80 154.7 154.9
  6.1.02 Health 6.83 169.1 169.7 4.81 160.4 160.8 5.89 165.8 166.3
  6.1.03 Transport and communication 7.60 153.2 154.0 9.73 145.0 147.6 8.59 148.9 150.6
  6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 1.37 160.0 161.0 2.04 152.6 151.6 1.68 155.8 155.7
  6.1.05 Education 3.46 167.6 166.7 5.62 156.6 158.4 4.46 161.2 161.8
  6.1.06 Personal care and effects 4.25 159.3 159.5 3.47 157.5 158.0 3.89 158.6 158.9
6   Miscellaneous 27.26 161.1 161.5 29.53 152.3 153.6 28.32 156.8 157.7
General Index (All Groups) 100.00 161.1 162.1 100.00 159.5 160.4 100.00 160.4 161.3
Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) 47.25 157.3 159.1 29.62 163.4 165.4 39.06 159.4 161.3


  1. Prov. : Provisional.
  2. CFPI    : Out of 12 sub-groups contained in ‘Food and Beverages’ group, CFPI is based on ten sub-groups, excluding ‘Non-alcoholic beverages’ and ‘Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc.’.
  3. –        : CPI (Rural) for housing is not compiled.


Annex II

All India year-on-yearinflation rates (%) for June 2021 (Provisional)

(Base: 2012=100)

Group Code Sub-group Code Description Rural Urban Combined  
Jun. 20 Index
Jun. 21


Inflation Rate
Jun. 20 Index
Jun. 21


Inflation Rate
Jun. 20 Index
Jun. 21


Inflation Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)  
1.1.01 Cereals and products 148.2 145.6 -1.75 152.7 149.2 -2.29 149.6 146.7 -1.94  
1.1.02 Meat and fish 190.3 200.1 5.15 197.0 205.6 4.37 192.7 202.0 4.83  
1.1.03 Egg 149.4 179.3 20.01 154.6 182.8 18.24 151.4 180.7 19.35  
1.1.04 Milk and products 153.3 156.1 1.83 153.4 156.4 1.96 153.3 156.2 1.89  
1.1.05 Oils and fats 138.2 190.4 37.77 132.9 172.1 29.50 136.3 183.7 34.78  
1.1.06 Fruits 143.2 158.6 10.75 151.8 171.5 12.98 147.2 164.6 11.82  
1.1.07 Vegetables 148.9 144.7 -2.82 171.2 176.2 2.92 156.5 155.4 -0.70  
1.1.08 Pulses and products 150.3 165.5 10.11 152.0 166.9 9.80 150.9 166.0 10.01  
1.1.09 Sugar and Confectionery 113.2 114.6 1.24 116.3 116.1 -0.17 114.2 115.1 0.79  
1.1.10 Spices 159.8 170.0 6.38 158.8 165.5 4.22 159.5 168.5 5.64  
1.2.11 Non-alcoholic beverages 142.1 165.5 16.47 135.6 152.2 12.24 139.4 159.9 14.71  
1.1.12 Prepared meals, snacks, sweets etc. 161.8 171.7 6.12 161.7 173.3 7.17 161.8 172.4 6.55  
1 Food and beverages 152.3 160.5 5.38 157.0 166.2 5.86 154.0 162.6 5.58  
2 Pan, tobacco and intoxicants 182.4 189.1 3.67 186.7 195.3 4.61 183.5 190.8 3.98  
3.1.01 Clothing 154.7 165.4 6.92 149.1 157.5 5.63 152.5 162.3 6.43  
3.1.02 Footwear 150.0 159.9 6.60 136.6 140.6 2.93 144.4 151.9 5.19  
3 Clothing and footwear 154.1 164.6 6.81 147.2 154.9 5.23 151.4 160.8 6.21  
4 Housing 154.7 160.5 3.75 154.7 160.5 3.75  
5 Fuel and light 144.9 162.1 11.87 137.1 156.2 13.93 141.9 159.9 12.68  
6.1.01 Household goods and services 151.7 159.2 4.94 140.4 150.0 6.84 146.4 154.9 5.81  
6.1.02 Health 158.2 169.7 7.27 148.1 160.8 8.58 154.4 166.3 7.71  
6.1.03 Transport and communication 141.4 154.0 8.91 129.3 147.6 14.15 135.0 150.6 11.56  
6.1.04 Recreation and amusement 153.2 161.0 5.09 144.5 151.6 4.91 148.3 155.7 4.99  
6.1.05 Education 161.8 166.7 3.03 152.5 158.4 3.87 156.4 161.8 3.45  
6.1.06 Personal care and effects 151.2 159.5 5.49 152.2 158.0 3.81 151.6 158.9 4.82  
6 Miscellaneous 151.7 161.5 6.46 142.0 153.6 8.17 147.0 157.7 7.28  
General Index (All Groups) 152.7 162.1 6.16 150.8 160.4 6.37 151.8 161.3 6.26  
Consumer Food Price Index 151.5 159.1 5.02 156.9 165.4 5.42 153.4 161.3 5.15                



  1. Prov.       : Provisional.
  2. –               : CPI (Rural) for housing is not compiled.



State/UT wise General Consumer Price Indices

(Base: 2012=100)

Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined
Weights May. 21 Index
Jun. 21 Index
Weights May. 21 Index
Jun. 21 Index
Weights May. 21 Index
Jun. 21 Index
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1 Andhra Pradesh 5.40 163.1 164.1 3.64 165.1 165.5 4.58 163.8 164.6
2 Arunachal Pradesh 0.14 167.6 169.0 0.06 0.10 167.6 169.0
3 Assam 2.63 162.4 164.7 0.79 164.2 164.1 1.77 162.8 164.6
4 Bihar 8.21 155.3 157.6 1.62 159.0 161.8 5.14 155.8 158.2
5 Chhattisgarh 1.68 158.7 159.4 1.22 158.8 158.6 1.46 158.7 159.1
6 Delhi 0.28 154.1 155.4 5.64 154.5 154.0 2.77 154.5 154.1
7 Goa 0.14 164.4 168.2 0.25 159.7 161.0 0.19 161.5 163.8
8 Gujarat 4.54 157.5 158.4 6.82 150.7 151.7 5.60 153.7 154.6
9 Haryana 3.30 155.3 155.4 3.35 153.5 153.8 3.32 154.5 154.7
10 Himachal Pradesh 1.03 153.5 154.3 0.26 158.5 159.2 0.67 154.4 155.2
11 Jharkhand 1.96 155.7 156.5 1.39 159.5 163.6 1.69 157.2 159.2
12 Karnataka 5.09 165.2 166.6 6.81 168.4 168.6 5.89 166.9 167.7
13 Kerala 5.50 171.5 170.9 3.46 168.0 168.5 4.55 170.3 170.1
14 Madhya Pradesh 4.93 159.8 161.1 3.97 165.0 163.5 4.48 161.9 162.1
15 Maharashtra 8.25 162.4 163.8 18.86 153.0 155.2 13.18 156.1 158.1
16 Manipur 0.23 189.4 187.7 0.12 170.3 171.6 0.18 183.4 182.6
17 Meghalaya 0.28 158.7 158.0 0.15 158.5 159.1 0.22 158.6 158.3
18 Mizoram 0.07 163.4 163.8 0.13 157.9 158.5 0.10 160.0 160.6
19 Nagaland 0.14 170.4 172.9 0.12 158.2 158.1 0.13 165.2 166.6
20 Odisha 2.93 162.5 162.7 1.31 156.0 156.2 2.18 160.7 160.9
21 Punjab 3.31 159.2 159.0 3.09 151.9 151.7 3.21 155.9 155.7
22 Rajasthan 6.63 156.4 156.4 4.23 155.9 157.2 5.51 156.2 156.7
23 Sikkim 0.06 173.5 174.3 0.03 160.0 161.7 0.05 169.1 170.2
24 Tamil Nadu 5.55 167.4 168.9 9.20 168.0 169.5 7.25 167.8 169.3
25 Telangana 3.16 167.7 169.1 4.41 163.0 163.6 3.74 165.1 166.1
26 Tripura 0.35 177.9 177.8 0.14 165.2 166.0 0.25 174.6 174.8
27 Uttar Pradesh 14.83 157.5 158.6 9.54 159.6 160.0 12.37 158.3 159.1
28 Uttarakhand 1.06 157.7 156.9 0.73 161.2 161.4 0.91 159.0 158.6
29 West Bengal 6.99 163.6 166.0 7.20 165.3 166.4 7.09 164.4 166.2
30 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 0.05 172.6 176.2 0.07 161.5 163.0 0.06 167.0 169.5
31 Chandigarh 0.02 155.9 157.1 0.34 151.2 151.5 0.17 151.5 151.8
32 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.02 147.0 150.5 0.04 154.7 155.7 0.03 152.1 154.0
33 Daman & Diu 0.02 167.2 168.6 0.02 162.9 162.8 0.02 165.4 166.2
34 Jammu & Kashmir* 1.14 169.7 169.9 0.72 168.2 168.4 0.94 169.2 169.4
35 Lakshadweep 0.01 170.4 174.7 0.01 162.3 162.2 0.01 166.3 168.3
36 Puducherry 0.08 166.6 164.7 0.27 164.8 167.0 0.17 165.3 166.4
All India 100.00 161.1 162.1 100.00 159.5 160.4 100.00 160.4 161.3


  1. Prov.             :  Provisional
  2. —   :  indicates the receipt of price schedules is less than 80% of allocated schedules and therefore indices are not compiled.
  3. *    : Figures of this row pertain to the prices and weights of the combined Union Territories of Jammu &Kashmir
  4. and Ladakh (erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir).




Major State/UT wise year-on-year inflation rates (%) for June 2021 (Provisional)

(Base: 2012=100)

Sl. No. Name of the State/UT Rural Urban Combined
Jun. 20 Index
Jun. 21


Inflation Rate
Jun. 20 Index
Jun. 21


Inflation Rate
Jun. 20 Index
Jun. 21


Inflation Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1 Andhra Pradesh 155.7 164.1 5.39 154.8 165.5 6.91 155.4 164.6 5.92
2 Assam 164.8 164.7 -0.06 157.0 164.1 4.52 163.2 164.6 0.86
3 Bihar 149.0 157.6 5.77 149.5 161.8 8.23 149.1 158.2 6.10
4 Chhattisgarh 150.9 159.4 5.63 148.9 158.6 6.51 150.1 159.1 6.00
5 Delhi 148.3 155.4 4.79 144.1 154.0 6.87 144.3 154.1 6.79
6 Gujarat 147.2 158.4 7.61 143.5 151.7 5.71 145.1 154.6 6.55
7 Haryana 145.7 155.4 6.66 144.8 153.8 6.22 145.3 154.7 6.47
8 Himachal Pradesh 141.8 154.3 8.82 148.6 159.2 7.13 143.0 155.2 8.53
9 Jharkhand 153.1 156.5 2.22 151.6 163.6 7.92 152.5 159.2 4.39
10 Karnataka 156.5 166.6 6.45 158.0 168.6 6.71 157.3 167.7 6.61
11 Kerala 162.3 170.9 5.30 157.5 168.5 6.98 160.6 170.1 5.92
12 Madhya Pradesh 149.1 161.1 8.05 151.6 163.5 7.85 150.1 162.1 7.99
13 Maharashtra 153.1 163.8 6.99 146.6 155.2 5.87 148.8 158.1 6.25
14 Odisha 155.8 162.7 4.43 149.0 156.2 4.83 153.9 160.9 4.55
15 Punjab 149.5 159.0 6.35 142.5 151.7 6.46 146.4 155.7 6.35
16 Rajasthan 149.2 156.4 4.83 151.0 157.2 4.11 149.8 156.7 4.61
17 Tamil Nadu 158.9 168.9 6.29 156.5 169.5 8.31 157.5 169.3 7.49
18 Telangana 155.0 169.1 9.10 154.4 163.6 5.96 154.7 166.1 7.37
19 Uttar Pradesh 148.8 158.6 6.59 151.0 160.0 5.96 149.6 159.1 6.35
20 Uttarakhand 151.8 156.9 3.36 148.0 161.4 9.05 150.4 158.6 5.45
21 West Bengal 153.4 166.0 8.21 158.2 166.4 5.18 155.7 166.2 6.74
22 Jammu & Kashmir* 158.8 169.9 6.99 155.7 168.4 8.16 157.7 169.4 7.42
All India 152.7 162.1 6.16 150.8 160.4 6.37 151.8 161.3 6.26


  1. Prov.    :  Provisional.
  2. *               : Figures of this row pertain to the prices and weights of the combined Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh (erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir).

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