Addressing the Unions, Associations, members ofManagement and Employees of NALCO, Chairman Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand unveiled a newbusiness plan acronymed “NALCO:3-4-5”, that envisages increasing NALCO’s 3-digit profitfigure to 4-digits and 4-digit turnover to 5-digits. NALCO has already achieved 4-digit figure at
Rs.1342 crore in 2017-18 and is likely to achieve more than Rs.1600 crore in 2018-19. Theobjective is to further increase and sustain the profit at 4-digit level. Similarly, turnover ofNALCO for the first time in 2018-19 will be in 5-digits. It is expected that the net turnover ofNALCO during this current year will be more than Rs.12,000 crore. Under this plan, NALCOwill turn into a hardcore business organisation with complete focus on business excellence. DrChand further said that, “With the emergence of the 4thIndustrial Revolution, ArtificialIntelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Augmented Reality etc. would be the trend setters andNALCO is all set to lead this revolution. The new technology: Industry 4.0, will bring insubstantial reduction in capital investments and Indian Industries needs to leverage it to remainglobally competitive. NALCO is gearing up in full steam to meet this challenge”.
Dr. Chand, during his visit to NALCO’s Mines & Refinery Complex inaugurated the newElectrostatic Precipitator (ESP) of Boiler-2, which has incorporated the latest technology forpollution control from the power plant. He also laid the foundation stone for the HRD-DCW ofAlumina Refinery which will enhance the productivity of the plant and reduce the consumption ofcaustic soda. It may be mentioned that during 2018-19, Alumina Refinery is all set to exceed itsrated capacity in production of Alumina, which has a fairly good global market. Dr. Chand also
inaugurated the state-of-the art Auditorium at Damanjodi with a seating capacity of 500.Dr. Chand announced that in the near future, NALCO plans to spend around Rs.100crores under its CSR arm in the areas of healthcare, literacy, infrastructure, water managementand women empowerment in Koraput District.
In order to motivate performance amongst employees, CMD Dr. Chand presentedExcellence Awards to forty one employees across various levels of the organisation. Dr. Chandreiterated that behind the success of any organisation lies the dedication and hard work ofemployees. He said that while technology and business environment are of paramountimportance, the key driver of any successful enterprise lies in the motivation and competencies of
its employees.