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Improvement in Passenger Safety

Railway projects are sanctioned/executed Zonal Railway wise and not State-wise, as Indian Railways network spans across various State boundaries.

Railway tracks are replaced through track renewal works which is an ongoing process. Track renewal works are undertaken as and when a stretch of track becomes due for renewal on the basis of criteria laid down in the Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual on age/condition basis viz. traffic carried in terms of gross million tonnes, incidence of rail failure, wear of rails, corrosion of rails, maintainability of track as per standards etc. Track renewal works are normally completed within 2 to 3 years from date of sanction. The details of the active track renewal works are as under:-

Railway-wise details of active track renewal works as on 17.03.2021 are as under:

Zonal Railway Number of active works Estimated cost

(in Cr of Rs)

Central 749 3453
Eastern 432 1966
East Central 483 2799
East Coast 474 1983
Northern 524 5253
North Central 643 3460
North Eastern 402 1441
Northeast Frontier 580 2464
North Western 260 2059
Southern 780 5358
South Central 517 2806
South Eastern 636 3473
South East Central 413 2455
South Western 576 3266
Western 559 4091
West Central 530 6696
Total 8558 53023


Government is focusing on elimination of level crossings for increased safety of road users and railway passengers by providing Road Over Bridges (ROB)/Road Under Bridges (RUB). Railway-wise details of sanctioned ROB/RUB/Subways are as under:-

Details of Railway-wise sanctioned ROB/RUB/Subways as per Pink Book 2020-21 are as under:-

Zonal Railway ROB RUB/ Subways TOTAL Railway Share (Rs. in Cr) State Share (Rs. in Cr) Total (Rs. In Cr)
Central 94 241 335 1637.06 998.36 2635.42
Eastern 84 111 195 2019.82 2244.68 4264.50
East Central 145 257 402 3510.83 3409.85 6920.68
East Coast 71 198 269 2508.28 1911.88 4420.16
Northern 154 683 837 5033.07 4357.95 9391.02
North Central 154 589 743 4704.01 3337.24 8041.26
North Eastern 44 317 361 1794.07 1023.67 2817.75
North East Frontier 8 117 125 489.56 201.42 690.98
North Western 71 1475 1546 3176.09 1695.00 4871.08
Southern 251 660 911 6233.66 4283.59 10517.25
South Central 147 422 569 5418.44 4782.70 10201.13
South Eastern 44 187 231 1995.76 1107.96 3103.72
South East Central 74 291 365 2287.17 858.11 3145.28
South Western 77 155 232 1136.08 892.70 2028.78
Western 207 857 1064 4630.61 3121.53 7752.14
West Central 94 119 213 2360.67 1471.05 3831.72
Total 1719 6679 8398 48935.17 35697.69 84632.86


The construction of ROBs depends upon availability of encroachment free land for approach roads, shifting of utilities, allocation of adequate funds by State Governments, public support etc. Therefore, it is not possible to fix timelines for completion of these ROBs.

Railway-wise details of track renewal carried out and expenditure incurred in the last ten years are as under:-

Year-wise details of track renewal done (in Track km) in last ten years are as under:

Zonal Railway 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11
Central 280 278 299 195 185 205 153 201 196 253
Eastern 236 267 268 178 162 185 217 207 197 190
East Central 335 255 291 180 202 203 241 221 196 213
East Coast 457 297 276 119 116 60 154 90 44 36
Northern 631 579 553 281 387 383 441 634 714 654
North Central 274 233 204 111 164 152 318 301 248 286
North Eastern 120 69 102 81 80 45 61 102 117 134
Northeast Frontier 106 105 90 42 95 34 76 76 85 84
North Western 242 227 198 80 59 24 39 78 59 133
Southern 352 418 374 207 187 135 118 134 170 155
South Central 299 196 193 150 278 208 297 393 331 335
South Eastern 336 259 279 190 209 168 180 192 190 190
South East Central 202 209 182 123 119 107 85 96 90 81
South Western 212 257 197 117 118 96 110 106 127 102
Western 211 328 321 240 229 194 202 218 278 327
West Central 207 205 196 193 204 225 193 247 258 292
Total 4500 4181 4023 2487 2794 2424 2885 3296 3300 3465


Year-wise details of expenditure (in Cr. of Rs) on track renewal works in last ten years are as under:

Railways 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11
Central 610.85 764.92 639.08 441.11 426.66 391.25 289.39 299.36 353.78 397.89
Eastern 504.27 554.50 565.70 458.63 288.60 368.39 268.13 319.55 343.13 325.83
East Central 653.37 544.90 540.10 436.46 447.87 319.05 259.36 379.46 340.44 312.79
East Coast 713.51 625.27 566.41 271.22 299.90 157.80 154.02 166.46 167.45 182.38
Northern 1378.33 1351.12 1127.82 753.33 675.82 780.91 763.21 951.91 776.17 738.13
North Central 486.71 517.63 468.80 407.54 390.82 351.45 472.20 471.36 437.03 456.17
North Eastern 245.44 189.20 291.88 223.20 174.85 132.79 202.15 140.46 163.11 114.58
Northeast Frontier 276.13 374.48 354.42 313.07 204.37 149.23 125.48 208.48 178.40 176.16
North Western 491.54 465.36 385.89 194.95 121.54 98.67 137.23 120.78 151.74 170.56
Southern 721.28 771.63 741.33 464.71 398.23 317.57 302.23 346.38 294.18 227.80
South Central 633.52 658.58 581.59 360.73 431.33 428.65 498.53 507.84 648.10 464.42
South Eastern 553.47 624.58 539.94 478.97 383.42 427.16 434.17 340.06 391.80 334.64
South East Central 487.05 500.56 378.36 260.18 254.78 320.40 209.83 201.44 155.31 143.56
South Western 546.73 510.57 394.42 214.17 187.54 138.92 190.89 205.08 170.35 135.19
Western 569.98 705.53 742.69 519.20 363.89 431.30 317.58 358.46 340.44 434.29
West Central 502.67 517.90 555.85 594.84 527.19 535.07 346.13 389.83 364.00 365.12
Total 9374.86 9676.72 8874.28 6392.31 5576.81 5348.61 4970.53 5406.91 5275.43 4979.51


Safety is accorded the highest priority by Indian Railways and all possible steps are undertaken on a continuous basis to prevent accidents and to enhance safety. Upgradation of infrastructure to improve passenger safety is a continuous ongoing process. Various inputs have been continuously given like introduction of Linke Hofmann Busch (LHB) coaches, introduction of Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) technology in signalling, enhanced track renewals, electronic interlocking of stations and level crossing gates and elimination of unmanned and manned level crossing gates.

With a view to improve fire safety in running trains, fire retardant furnishing materials are being provided in coaches and Fire and Smoke Detection System is being provided in all newly manufactured Air Conditioned coaches. Further, Fire Detection and Suppression System is being provided in all newly manufactured Power cars and Pantry cars.

This information was given by the Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Shri Piyush Goyal in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha

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