Focusing predominantly on value added products, Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) is looking forward to offer an array of differentiated and quality products in market while focusing on value along with volume. During interaction with employees at SAIL’s Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP), Chairman, SAIL, PK Singh said, in the prevailing stiff market competition, value addition to our products and processes along with tailoring the product quality and attributes in line with market demands rather producing only volume can be a game changer for us. He added that the state-of-the-art 1 MTPA (million tonne per annum) capacity Medium Structural Mill (MSM) installed at DSP is capable of producing world-class structural steel products which have a high demand for various on-going and upcoming infra and construction projects in India. Shri Singh also added that with Railways switchover to LHB coaches in a phased manner in next few years, wheels for new LHB railway coaches are in advanced stages of validation at DSP and the metallurgical testing of the wheels has already been completed.At DSP, MSM is producing Parallel Flange Beams, Joists, Channels and Angles, which are primarily used by infrastructure and construction segments and considering the pick-up in infrastructure projects, metro connectivity and accelerated construction activities.