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Index Numbers of Wholesale Price in India for the month of November, 2021(Base Year: 2011-12)

The Office of the Economic Adviser, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) is releasing index numbers of wholesale price in India (Base Year: 2011-12) for the month of November, 2021 (Provisional) and for the month of September, 2021 (Final) in this press release. Provisional figures of Wholesale Price Index (WPI) are released on 14th of every month (or next working day) with a time lag of two weeks of the reference month and compiled with data received from institutional sources and selected manufacturing units across the country. After 10 weeks, the index is finalized and final figures are released and then frozen thereafter.

The annual rate of inflation is 14.23% (Provisional) for the month of November, 2021 (over November, 2020) as compared to 2.29% in November, 2020. The high rate of inflation in November 2021 is primarily due to rise in prices of mineral oils, basic metals, crude petroleum & natural gas, chemicals and chemical products, food productsetc. as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year.The annual change in the components of WPI index and inflation in the last three months is given below:

Index Numbers & Annual Rate of Inflation (Y-o-Y in %) *
All Commodities/Major Groups Weight (%) Sep-21 (F) Oct-21 (P) Nov-21 (P)
Index Inflation Index Inflation Index Inflation
All Commodities 100.00 137.4 11.80 139.1 12.54 142.9 14.23
I Primary Articles 22.62 157.7 5.98 159.7 5.20 168.6 10.34
II Fuel & Power 13.15 119.0 29.49 124.7 37.18 131.7 39.81
III Manufactured Products 64.23 134.0 11.57 134.9 12.04 136.1 11.92
 Food Index 24.38 162.1 2.59 164.8 3.06 170.4 6.70

Note: P: Provisional, F: Final, * Annual rate of WPI inflation calculated over the corresponding month of previous year


The month over month change in WPI index for the month of November, 2021 stood at 2.73 % as compared to October, 2021. The monthly change in WPI index for last six-month is summarized below:

Month Over Month (M-o-M in %) change in WPI Index#
All Commodities/Major Groups Weight Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 (P) Nov-21 (P)
All Commodities 100.00 0.60 0.97 0.89 0.88 1.24 2.73
I. Primary Articles 22.62 1.86 0.85 0.71 1.48 1.27 5.57
II. Fuel & Power 13.15 0.82 4.07 2.34 0.93 4.79 5.61
III. Manufactured Products 64.23 0.08 0.53 0.68 0.60 0.67 0.89
Food Index 24.38 -0.06 0.44 0.44 1.25 1.67 3.40

Note: P: Provisional, # Monthly rate of change, based on month over month (M-o-M) WPI calculated over the preceding month

Month over Month Change in Major Groups of WPI:

  1. Primary Articles (weight 22.62%): – The index for this major group increased by (5.57%) to 168.6 (provisional) in November, 2021 from 159.7 (provisional) for the month of October, 2021. Prices of Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas (12.24%), Minerals (5.96%), Food Articles (5.81%) and Non-food Articles (2.15%) increased in November, 2021 as compared to October, 2021.
  2. Fuel & Power (weight 13.15%): -The index for this major group increased by (5.61%) to 131.7 (provisional) in November, 2021 from 124.7 (provisional) for the month of October, 2021. Prices of Mineral Oils (8.76%) and Coal (1.16%) increased in November, 2021 as compared to October, 2021. Prices of electricity remain unchanged.
  3. Manufactured Products (weight 64.23%): – The index for this major group increased by (0.89%) to 136.1 (provisional) in November, 2021 from 134.9 (provisional) for the month of October, 2021.Out of the 22 NIC two-digit groups for Manufactured products, 16 groups have witnessed increase in prices while 6 groups have witnessed decrease in prices in November 2021 compared to October, 2021. The increase in prices is mainly contributed bymanufacture of basic metals; chemicals and chemical products; textiles; other non-metallic mineral products and paper and paper products. Some of the groups that have witnessed decrease in prices aremanufacture of food products; other manufacturing; electrical equipment; tobacco products and leather and related products.

WPI food index (weight 24.38%): The Food Index consisting of ‘Food Articles’ from Primary Articles group and ‘Food Product’ from Manufactured Products group have increased from 164.8 in October, 2021 to 170.4 in November, 2021. The rate of inflation based on WPI Food Index increased from 3.06% in October, 2021 to 6.70% in November, 2021.

Final index for the month of September 2021 (Base Year: 2011-12=100): For the month of September, 2021 the final Wholesale Price Index and inflation rate for ‘All Commodities’ (Base: 2011-12=100) stood at 137.4 and 11.80% respectively.The details of All India Wholesale Price Indices and Rates of Inflation for different commodity groups for November, 2021 are at Annex I. The Annual rate of Inflation (Y- o-Y) based on WPI for different commodity groups in the last six months is at Annex II. The WPI Index for different commodity groups in the last six months is at Annex III.

Response Rate:The WPI for November, 2021 have been compiled at a weighted response rate of 76percent, while the final figure for September, 2021 is based on the weighted response rate of 94 percent. The Provisional figuresofWPIwillundergorevisionasperthefinalrevisionpolicyofWPI. This press release, item indices, and inflation numbers are available at our home page


Next date of Press Release: Index Numbers of WPI for the month of December,2021 would be released on 14/01/2022.

Text Box: The data collection of New Series of WPI (Base 2017-18) has also started with help of the Field Operation Division, National Statistical office, Government of India. The Industry Associations may ask industrial establishments (if selected) spread across the country to cooperate with the Survey Supervisor/Survey Enumerators of the NSO in collection of data since April 2017 on monthly basis.

For Kind Attention:


All India Wholesale Price Indices and Rates of Inflation (Base Year: 2011-12=100) for November, 2021

Commodities/Major Groups/Groups/Sub-Groups/Items Weight Index (Latest Month) * Latest month over month Cumulative Inflation (YoY) WPI Based rate of Inflation (YoY)
2020-2021 2021-2022* 2020-2021 2021-2022* Nov-20 Nov- 2021*
ALL COMMODITIES 100.00 142.9 1.21 2.73 -0.21 12.22 2.29 14.23
I. PRIMARY ARTICLES 22.62 168.6 0.66 5.57 1.58 7.68 3.80 10.34
A. Food Articles 15.26 178.4 -0.82 5.81 4.60 1.44 4.61 4.88
Cereals 2.82 161.9 0.13 0.87 -0.75 -0.54 -5.52 3.98
Paddy 1.43 162.8 -0.37 0.00 2.66 -1.34 0.62 -0.18
Wheat 1.03 162.9 0.34 2.20 -0.65 1.36 -10.09 10.14
Pulses 0.64 177.5 1.59 -0.78 12.37 8.64 13.04 2.90
Vegetables 1.87 292.6 -2.32 24.51 10.66 -11.43 15.27 3.91
Potato 0.28 247.8 19.78 24.15 89.83 -41.07 138.05 -49.54
Onion 0.16 309.0 14.26 6.44 -8.20 1.72 -7.60 -30.14
Fruits 1.60 167.7 -2.22 4.36 -1.29 9.83 -1.36 15.50
Milk 4.44 157.5 0.06 0.19 5.22 2.13 5.53 1.81
Eggs, Meat & Fish 2.40 163.4 -1.78 5.62 3.60 7.86 0.20 9.66
B. Non-Food Articles 4.12 157.0 6.32 2.15 -0.90 20.64 8.66 13.77
Oil Seeds 1.12 202.3 2.53 1.30 3.45 37.40 8.29 24.88
C. Minerals 0.83 190.3 2.67 5.96 1.92 16.98 10.38 20.90
D. Crude Petroleum & Natural gas 2.41 119.2 5.80 12.24 -26.38 55.77 -21.51 76.59
Crude Petroleum 1.95 116.0 7.84 14.51 -29.61 85.76 -19.87 91.74
II. FUEL & POWER 13.15 131.7 3.63 5.61 -12.26 31.10 -7.01 39.81
LPG 0.64 131.7 5.56 13.05 -6.74 46.07 -3.04 65.24
Petrol 1.60 135.7 -0.68 11.78 -18.32 62.23 -14.69 85.38
HSD 3.10 140.3 0.27 8.68 -20.85 59.13 -19.44 86.07
III. MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 64.23 136.1 1.00 0.89 1.14 11.28 3.23 11.92
Mf/o Food Products 9.12 157.0 1.35 -0.88 5.02 12.94 5.17 10.25
Vegetable And Animal Oils and Fats 2.64 182.4 5.33 -2.15 16.76 39.14 24.04 23.16
Mf/o Beverages 0.91 127.5 -0.08 0.16 1.06 1.51 -0.08 3.16
Mf/o Tobacco Products 0.51 160.7 -0.95 -1.17 2.15 2.14 2.03 2.95
Mf/o Textiles 4.88 137.1 1.74 2.39 -3.16 15.02 0.26 17.38
Mf/o Wearing Apparel 0.81 144.6 0.87 0.56 -0.16 2.99 0.65 3.66
Mf/o Leather and Related Products 0.54 118.7 0.17 -0.17 -0.89 0.39 -1.09 0.68
Mf/o Wood and of Products of Wood and Cork 0.77 142.6 0.75 0.21 -0.28 4.86 1.20 5.86
Mf/o Paper and Paper Products 1.11 139.0 0.50 3.35 -1.46 11.74 0.25 15.83
Mf/o Chemicals and Chemical Products 6.47 135.6 1.20 1.95 -1.81 12.32 1.46 14.72
Mf/o Pharmaceuticals, Medicinal Chemical and Botanical Products 1.99 136.0 1.15 0.82 3.29 3.72 3.53 3.03
Mf/o Rubber and Plastics Products 2.30 127.0 1.82 0.79 -0.15 13.35 3.99 13.39
Mf/o other Non-Metallic Mineral Products 3.20 124.6 0.34 1.80 0.21 4.09 1.04 6.59
Cement, Lime and Plaster 1.64 128.7 -0.25 2.31 0.90 3.69 0.51 8.06
Mf/o Basic Metals 9.65 143.9 2.39 2.49 0.18 27.56 7.83 29.06
Mild Steel – Semi Finished Steel 1.27 119.4 4.17 0.42 1.55 21.15 7.30 19.40
Mf/o Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery and Equipment 3.15 131.6 1.13 0.53 -1.59 13.02 0.17 13.55

Note: * = Provisional, Mf/o = Manufacture of



Commodities/Major Groups/Groups/Sub-Groups/Items Weight WPI based inflation figures for last 6 months
Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21* Nov-21*
ALL COMMODITIES 100 12.07 11.57 11.64 11.8 12.54 14.23
I. PRIMARY ARTICLES 22.62 8.59 6.34 5.93 5.98 5.2 10.34
A. Food Articles 15.26 3.28 0.12 -0.8 -2.55 -1.69 4.88
Cereals 2.82 -2.77 -2.91 -1.13 1.33 3.22 3.98
Paddy 1.43 -2.36 -2.77 -2.18 -1.64 -0.55 -0.18
Wheat 1.03 -1.77 -2.86 -0.19 4.4 8.14 10.14
Pulses 0.64 11.56 8.41 9.47 9.3 5.36 2.9
Vegetables 1.87 -0.78 -8.3 -12.64 -32.34 -18.49 3.91
Potato 0.28 -31.09 -36.69 -37.39 -48.95 -51.32 -49.54
Onion 0.16 64.32 72.01 62.78 -1.91 -25.01 -30.14
Fruits 1.6 6.96 -3.45 -2.27 12.78 8.22 15.5
Milk 4.44 1.65 2.5 3.09 1.95 1.68 1.81
Eggs, Meat & Fish 2.4 8.72 7.97 3.46 9.69 1.98 9.66
B. Non-Food Articles 4.12 18.63 22.94 28.69 29.48 18.41 13.77
Oil Seeds 1.12 36.76 40.75 53.79 51.13 26.39 24.88
C. Minerals 0.83 15.33 12.55 7.16 30.79 17.16 20.9
D. Crude Petroleum & Natural gas 2.41 46.97 42.25 34.49 48.96 66.46 76.59
     Crude Petroleum 1.95 78.47 68.48 56.36 79.29 80.57 91.74
II. FUEL & POWER 13.15 29.32 27.01 28.15 29.49 37.18 39.81
LPG 0.64 31.44 38.14 48.11 54.3 54.3 65.24
Petrol 1.60 59.94 59.04 61.53 54.85 64.72 85.38
HSD 3.10 59.92 53.79 50.69 51.8 71.68 86.07
III. MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 64.23 10.96 11.46 11.56 11.57 12.04 11.92
Mf/o Food Products 9.12 13.31 13.06 12.73 12.86 12.74 10.25
Vegetable and Animal Oils and Fats 2.64 43.58 42.66 40.72 37.36 32.57 23.16
Mf/o Beverages 0.91 0.08 1.2 1.52 2.42 2.91 3.16
Mf/o Tobacco Products 0.51 -0.63 2.22 4.97 2.96 3.17 2.95
Mf/o Textiles 4.88 14.17 15.85 17.35 17.34 16.64 17.38
Mf/o Wearing Apparel 0.81 2.84 3.96 3.27 4.12 3.98 3.66
Mf/o Leather and Related Products 0.54 0.09 -0.34 0.25 0 1.02 0.68
Mf/o Wood and of Products of Wood and Cork 0.77 3.43 4.39 5.39 5.08 6.43 5.86
Mf/o Paper and Paper Products 1.11 10.47 11.34 11.34 12.43 12.65 15.83
Mf/o Chemicals and Chemical Products 6.47 10.89 11.56 12.23 12.92 13.87 14.72
Mf/o Pharmaceuticals, Medicinal Chemical and Botanical Products 1.99 4.18 3.31 2.6 3.46 3.37 3.03
Mf/o Rubber and Plastics Products 2.30 11.98 13.14 13.85 13.15 14.55 13.39
Mf/o other Non-Metallic Mineral Products 3.20 2.62 4.52 4.72 4.11 5.06 6.59
Cement, Lime and Plaster 1.64 2.13 3.87 4.32 4.1 5.36 8.06
Mf/o Basic Metals 9.65 29.09 29.09 27.61 27.36 28.93 29.06
Mild Steel – Semi Finished Steel 1.27 23.41 21.39 19.65 20.04 23.85 19.4
Mf/o Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery and Equipment 3.15 12.04 14.12 16.09 15.27 14.22 13.55


Note: * = Provisional, Mf/o = Manufacture of



Commodities/Major Groups/Groups/Sub-Groups/Items Weight WPI Index for last 6 months
Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21* Nov-21*
ALL COMMODITIES 100 133.7 135.0 136.2 137.4 139.1 142.9
I. PRIMARY ARTICLES 22.62 153.0 154.3 155.4 157.7 159.7 168.6
A. Food Articles 15.26 160.5 161.5 161.7 164.1 168.6 178.4
Cereals 2.82 157.7 156.8 158.0 159.5 160.5 161.9
Paddy 1.43 161.7 161.2 161.8 162.3 162.8 162.8
Wheat 1.03 155.7 152.8 153.9 156.6 159.4 162.9
Pulses 0.64 177.6 172.8 174.5 178.7 178.9 177.5
Vegetables 1.87 165.3 191.2 185.3 178.5 235.0 292.6
Potato 0.28 183.1 188.6 201.8 190.2 199.6 247.8
Onion 0.16 219.7 232.9 231.8 220.4 290.3 309.0
Fruits 1.6 161.3 145.4 155.3 168.6 160.7 167.7
Milk 4.44 154.4 155.9 157.0 156.8 157.2 157.5
Eggs, Meat & Fish 2.4 165.8 164.0 158.7 165.3 154.7 163.4
B. Non-Food Articles 4.12 148.4 152.2 161.5 161.2 153.7 157.0
Oil Seeds 1.12 211.7 216.9 239.6 235.0 199.7 202.3
C. Minerals 0.83 191.8 187.4 179.6 190.3 179.6 190.3
D. Crude Petroleum & Natural gas 2.41 99.5 101.0 97.1 100.4 106.2 119.2
     Crude Petroleum 1.95 100.3 102.1 97.1 101.3 101.3 116
II. FUEL & POWER 13.15 110.7 115.2 117.9 119 124.7 131.7
LPG 0.64 97.0 102.5 109.9 114.8 116.5 131.7
Petrol 1.60 106.2 116.1 118.4 114.9 121.4 135.7
HSD 3.10 114.5 121.8 120.7 118.1 129.1 140.3
III. MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 64.23 131.6 132.3 133.2 134 134.9 136.1
Mf/o Food Products 9.12 155.8 155.8 157.6 158.8 158.4 157
Vegetable and Animal Oils and Fats 2.64 184.5 185.6 188.7 188.6 186.4 182.4
Mf/o Beverages 0.91 125.6 126.5 127.2 126.9 127.3 127.5
Mf/o Tobacco Products 0.51 157.6 161.1 160.6 159.9 162.6 160.7
Mf/o Textiles 4.88 129.7 130.8 132.6 133.3 133.9 137.1
Mf/o Wearing Apparel 0.81 141.2 141.8 142 144 143.8 144.6
Mf/o Leather and Related Products 0.54 117.7 117.3 118.4 118.7 118.9 118.7
Mf/o Wood and of Products of Wood and Cork 0.77 138.7 140.2 140.8 140.7 142.3 142.6
Mf/o Paper and Paper Products 1.11 133 133.5 132.5 133.9 134.5 139
Mf/o Chemicals and Chemical Products 6.47 128.3 129.3 130.3 131.1 133 135.6
Mf/o Pharmaceuticals, Medicinal Chemical and Botanical Products 1.99 134.7 134.3 134.1 134.5 134.9 136
Mf/o Rubber and Plastics Products 2.30 120.6 121.4 122.5 123.9 126 127
Mf/o other Non-Metallic Mineral Products 3.20 121.4 122.6 122.1 121.6 122.4 124.6
Cement, Lime and Plaster 1.64 124.5 126.2 125.5 124.5 125.8 128.7
Mf/o Basic Metals 9.65 134 134 135.9 137.8 140.4 143.9
Mild Steel – Semi Finished Steel 1.27 116.5 115.2 116.9 116.8 118.9 119.4
Mf/o Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery and Equipment 3.15 127.5 129.3 130.6 130.6 130.9 131.6


Note: * = Provisional, Mf/o = Manufacture of

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