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Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production and Use-Based Index for the month of April, 2021 (Base 2011-12=100)

The Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP) are released on 12th of every month (or previous working day if 12th is a holiday) with a six weeks lag and compiled with data received from source agencies, which in turn receive the data from the producing factories/ establishments.

2.        For the month of April 2021, the Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production (IIP)with base 2011-12 stands at 126.6. The Indices of Industrial Production for the Mining, Manufacturing and Electricity sectors for the month of April 2021 stand at 108.0, 125.1 and 174.0 respectively. These Quick Estimates will undergo revision in subsequent releases as per the revision policy of IIP.

3.        As per Use-based classification, the indices stand at 126.7 for Primary Goods, 82.4 for Capital Goods, 137.9 for Intermediate Goods and 134.8 for Infrastructure/ Construction Goods for the month of April 2021.  Further, the indices for Consumer durables and Consumer non-durables stand at 112.4 and 142.3 respectively for the month of April 2021.

4.        It may be noted that the nationwide lockdown and other measures implemented to restrict the spread of Covid 19 pandemic from the end of March 2020, had led to a majority of the establishments not operating in April 2020 and consequently, there were many units which reported ‘Nil’ production, affecting comparison of the indices for the months of April 2020 and April 2021.

5.        Details of Quick Estimates of the Index of Industrial Production for the month of April 2021 at Sectoral, 2-digit level of National Industrial Classification (NIC-2008) and byUse-based classification are given at Statements I, II and III respectively. Also, for users to appreciate the changes in the industrial sector, Statement IV provides month-wise indices for the last 12 months, by industry groups (as per 2-digit level of NIC-2008) and sectors.

6.        Along with the Quick Estimates of IIP for the month of April 2021, the indices for March 2021 have undergone the first revision and those for January 2021 have undergone the final revision in the light of the updated data received from the source agencies. The Quick Estimates for April 2021, the first revision for March 2021 and the final revision for January 2021 have been compiled at weighted response rates of 85 percent, 92 percent and 95 percent respectively.


(Base : 2011-12=100)
Month Mining Manufacturing Electricity General
(14.372472) (77.63321) (7.994318) (100)
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Apr* 107.8 78.8 108.0 126.2 42.1 125.1 162.9 125.6 174.0 126.5 54.0 126.6
May 110.1 87.6 135.8 84.4 176.9 150.6 135.4 90.2
Jun 106.5 85.7 129.0 107.1 173.6 156.2 129.3 107.9
Jul 100.2 87.5 133.7 118.5 170.5 166.3 131.8 117.9
Aug 92.0 84.0 128.4 118.7 165.7 162.7 126.2 117.2
Sep 86.4 87.6 126.0 126.5 158.7 166.4 122.9 124.1
Oct 99.5 98.5 126.3 132.0 145.8 162.2 124.0 129.6
Nov 112.7 106.6 130.6 128.5 139.9 144.8 128.8 126.7
Dec 120.9 117.3 135.4 139.0 150.3 158.0 134.5 137.4
Jan 124.3 121.3 137.9 136.6 155.6 164.2 137.4 136.6
Feb 123.3 117.9 134.2 129.3 153.7 153.9 134.2 129.6
Mar 131.0 138.7 111.6 143.2 146.9 180.0 117.2 145.5
Apr-Mar 109.6 101.0 129.6 117.2 158.4 157.6 129.0 118.1
Growth over the corresponding period of previous year
Apr 5.1 # # 2.5 # # 6.0 # # 3.2 # #
Apr-Mar 1.6 -7.8 -1.4 -9.6 1.0 -0.5 -0.8 -8.4
* Figures for Apr 2021 are Quick Estimates.
NOTE : Indices for the months of Jan’21 and Mar’21 incorporate updated production data.
In view of explanation given in press release w.r.t April 2020, the indices for month of April 2021 are  not strictly comparable with April 2020



(Base: 2011-12=100)
Industry Description Weight Index Cumulative Index Percentage growth
code Apr’20 Apr’21* Apr-Mar Apr’21# Apr-Mar
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21
10 Manufacture of food products 5.3025 94.3 128.1 123.7 121.4 # -1.9
11 Manufacture of beverages 1.0354 7.2 92.0 106.4 78.7 # -26.0
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 0.7985 0.3 85.2 95.4 79.6 # -16.6
13 Manufacture of textiles 3.2913 11.0 113.2 115.7 90.7 # -21.6
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 1.3225 9.7 136.1 154.6 108.6 # -29.8
15 Manufacture of leather and related products 0.5021 1.7 106.8 122.7 100.7 # -17.9
16 Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 0.1930 4.7 107.0 113.8 91.3 # -19.8
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 0.8724 21.7 87.9 90.8 69.7 # -23.2
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 0.6798 23.1 66.2 90.7 65.3 # -28.0
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 11.7749 87.7 118.5 126.7 111.2 # -12.2
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 7.8730 53.0 120.2 118.5 116.3 # -1.9
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 4.9810 93.6 206.2 215.2 218.4 # 1.5
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 2.4222 29.4 106.5 100.0 96.3 # -3.7
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 4.0853 16.9 120.1 121.3 105.6 # -12.9
24 Manufacture of basic metals 12.8043 40.3 158.2 159.1 149.7 # -5.9
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 2.6549 3.7 80.0 90.6 78.1 # -13.8
26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 1.5704 12.6 139.7 151.0 129.1 # -14.5
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 2.9983 5.6 86.0 105.2 92.1 # -12.5
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 4.7653 9.1 98.7 107.7 92.4 # -14.2
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 4.8573 0.7 103.6 100.2 81.1 # -19.1
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 1.7763 0.2 114.0 136.6 112.1 # -17.9
31 Manufacture of furniture 0.1311 1.4 153.4 197.3 142.7 # -27.7
32 Other manufacturing 0.9415 10.7 95.0 81.2 62.8 # -22.7
05 Mining 14.3725 78.8 108.0 109.6 101.0 # -7.8
10-32 Manufacturing 77.6332 42.1 125.1 129.6 117.2 # -9.6
35 Electricity 7.9943 125.6 174.0 158.4 157.6 # -0.5
General Index 100.00 54.0 126.6 129.0 118.1 # -8.4
* Figures for Apr 2021 are Quick Estimates
# In view of explanation given in press release w.r.t April 2020, the indices for month of April 2021 are  not strictly comparable with April 2020


(Base :2011-12=100)
Primary goods Capital goods Intermediate goods Infrastructure/ Construction goods Consumer durables Consumer non-durables
Month (34.048612) (8.223043) (17.221487) (12.338363) (12.839296) (15.329199)
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
Apr* 125.8 92.4 126.7 96.2 7.0 82.4 123.7 44.6 137.9 135.0 20.3 134.8 127.1 5.5 112.4 140.0 72.7 142.3
May 131.9 106.0 103.9 35.4 138.8 83.7 145.0 88.4 133.8 39.7 149.8 135.3
Jun 127.8 109.3 101.9 63.8 136.5 108.2 140.6 114.9 120.0 78.2 138.0 147.5
Jul 128.1 114.3 91.8 70.9 140.4 125.4 140.1 128.6 130.3 99.4 146.6 149.3
Aug 121.9 108.8 88.7 75.9 135.9 129.4 130.7 130.7 122.0 109.5 144.4 140.0
Sep 113.8 112.1 91.4 90.3 134.1 133.6 127.6 132.7 122.5 129.0 144.0 147.4
Oct 121.7 117.9 88.5 91.3 136.4 140.7 129.9 144.1 113.3 133.8 138.6 148.7
Nov 124.5 122.2 91.1 84.3 140.9 138.4 134.5 137.3 116.7 113.0 150.2 149.1
Dec 129.6 130.1 93.7 95.8 146.9 150.3 146.4 151.0 117.3 124.9 158.1 161.1
Jan 133.4 134.4 102.4 93.2 146.8 149.7 146.7 150.1 124.0 123.9 158.3 149.8
Feb 131.0 124.9 97.4 93.7 145.8 137.7 145.0 139.2 117.3 125.1 153.4 146.5
Mar 134.4 144.9 72.6 107.7 125.7 154.9 117.6 158.7 83.2 129.0 121.7 159.7
Apr-Mar 127.0 118.1 93.3 75.8 137.7 124.7 136.6 124.7 119.0 100.9 145.3 142.3
Growth over the corresponding period of previous year
Apr 5.1 # # -1.4 # # 3.0 # # -0.7 # # 2.2 # # 5.4 # #
Apr-Mar 0.7 -7.0 -13.9 -18.8 9.1 -9.4 -3.6 -8.7 -8.7 -15.2 -0.1 -2.1
* Figures for Apr 2021 are Quick Estimates.
NOTE : Indices for the months of Jan’21 and Mar’21 incorporate updated production data.
# In view of explanation given in press release w.r.t April 2020, the indices for month of April 2021 are  not strictly comparable with April 2020



(Base: 2011-12=100)
Ind Description Weight May’20 Jun’20 Jul’20 Aug’20 Sep’20 Oct’20 Nov’20 Dec’20 Jan’21 Feb’21 Mar’21 Apr’21
10 Manufacture of food products 5.3025 98.0 102.7 111.0 107.1 110.9 113.9 133.9 149.1 149.0 135.2 151.7 128.1
11 Manufacture of beverages 1.0354 54.9 83.9 78.9 76.8 84.6 82.7 86.3 90.1 95.4 94.8 108.5 92.0
12 Manufacture of tobacco products 0.7985 40.7 91.6 102.0 84.2 88.3 86.5 92.9 98.1 103.7 79.2 87.3 85.2
13 Manufacture of textiles 3.2913 40.2 63.1 93.9 96.6 105.4 110.7 108.9 114.9 115.3 111.2 117.0 113.2
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel 1.3225 62.6 105.9 112.5 113.8 121.4 119.9 101.7 140.0 129.4 141.2 144.6 136.1
15 Manufacture of leather and related products 0.5021 52.4 99.7 110.7 106.0 123.3 116.4 105.0 121.9 124.9 121.4 124.4 106.8
16 Manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 0.1930 39.6 74.0 83.0 85.5 116.8 111.8 108.7 126.6 112.0 111.6 121.2 107.0
17 Manufacture of paper and paper products 0.8724 50.3 82.9 67.0 79.0 64.2 71.7 71.6 78.1 80.2 79.5 90.1 87.9
18 Printing and reproduction of recorded media 0.6798 52.6 70.2 68.5 65.4 68.3 69.0 70.5 83.0 70.0 67.7 74.7 66.2
19 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 11.7749 95.9 104.5 109.4 100.6 103.2 109.3 124.8 125.0 129.3 113.6 130.9 118.5
20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 7.8730 95.9 117.3 122.2 118.9 125.5 128.0 120.4 131.8 131.6 119.3 131.6 120.2
21 Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and botanical products 4.9810 234.3 237.1 243.1 221.9 236.0 239.6 226.0 239.9 205.4 214.7 229.1 206.2
22 Manufacture of rubber and plastics products 2.4222 69.5 91.6 100.6 98.8 107.8 111.5 104.7 112.8 108.5 105.7 114.5 106.5
23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 4.0853 91.2 110.4 105.4 96.2 103.8 117.1 112.7 122.6 127.2 124.2 139.8 120.1
24 Manufacture of basic metals 12.8043 103.2 131.5 153.1 162.9 160.5 170.6 165.4 181.7 179.8 162.8 184.7 158.2
25 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 2.6549 44.2 67.3 82.0 83.9 92.1 95.7 81.8 99.0 93.7 93.2 100.9 80.0
26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 1.5704 64.5 114.8 144.9 146.3 167.2 151.1 115.0 138.8 155.6 166.7 171.7 139.7
27 Manufacture of electrical equipment 2.9983 31.6 61.7 82.6 94.4 126.5 132.4 114.4 131.8 109.7 106.0 108.6 86.0
28 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 4.7653 44.6 80.2 85.6 92.6 108.9 113.2 105.4 118.5 110.0 112.0 129.0 98.7
29 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 4.8573 20.7 53.7 73.5 85.0 99.5 109.9 99.2 103.2 107.8 105.6 114.9 103.6
30 Manufacture of other transport equipment 1.7763 22.8 72.3 108.4 133.5 162.4 167.2 139.3 121.1 136.4 135.6 146.2 114.0
31 Manufacture of furniture 0.1311 60.5 144.8 157.0 181.1 168.3 167.7 144.7 183.9 163.4 165.7 174.1 153.4
32 Other manufacturing 0.9415 28.6 51.7 50.0 56.2 67.4 83.4 65.5 76.7 85.0 85.3 93.3 95.0
5 Mining 14.3725 87.6 85.7 87.5 84.0 87.6 98.5 106.6 117.3 121.3 117.9 138.7 108.0
10-32 Manufacturing 77.6332 84.4 107.1 118.5 118.7 126.5 132.0 128.5 139.0 136.6 129.3 143.2 125.1
35 Electricity 7.9943 150.6 156.2 166.3 162.7 166.4 162.2 144.8 158.0 164.2 153.9 180.0 174.0
General Index 100 90.2 107.9 117.9 117.2 124.1 129.6 126.7 137.4 136.6 129.6 145.5 126.6
Note:The figures for February’21, March’21 and April’21 are provisional


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